The vet could not cure my pet!

First things first, there are always 3 parties to any veterinary consultation: The vet, the pet and the one often overlooked, the owner. For any veterinary treatment to be successful at least two of the three parties, namely the vet and the owner, are pivotal to the success of any intervention. As an owner, you are the eyes and ears of the vet in the home environment and most importantly no one knows your pet the way you do. The truth is we the vet cannot do their job without you. I am sure many have heard the saying that vets have it harder because their patients don’t talk, they can’t tell the vet what is wrong, or where it hurts. It is for this reason that a vet will require every bit of additional information they can get from you, the owner. Animals are as biologically complicated as people, in fact, most medical ailments affecting people can affect animals.

When any consultation starts the first thing a vet starts doing is asking you questions about your pet, this is what we call history taking. It is the first step to working out the puzzle and coming to a diagnosis in order to treat.  These question can include activity levels, appetite, urination, defecation, history of limping or pain, what is in the environment at home, has anything changed etc. Vets are many things, but they are certainly not mind readers and these are pertinent questions which help the vet identify the problem. So as an owner it is your responsibility to be aware of what is going on in your pet’s life. You are the closest thing they have to being able to speak. Always remember that you know your pet better than anyone else and you will be able to notice changes much sooner. So don’t hesitate to bring your pet to the vet if you suspect something to be wrong with your pet. Sooner is always better.

Now that the consultation has started your vet will be doing the clinical examination and this involves some uncomfortable things like having their temperature taken via the rectum. The better part of the physical clinical examination is an invasion of your pet’s personal space in an environment where they are already scared, nervous and anxious. If you know your dog or cat is nervous and may potentially bite, it is always a good idea to inform the vet in advance. Although most vets have “spiderman reflexes” they don’t particularly like getting bitten when they may just not be fast enough to escape a hurting or nervous animal’s defence mechanism. Most dogs will never bite their owners, so you are essentially the safety net for your vet. You need to hold your pet and if they become aggressive, don’t let go. If you are at all concerned they may harm you or feel you will be unable to restrain your pet adequately, let the vet know. Vets have contingency plans such as muzzles and most of the time, wonderful, experienced handlers that can assist. When everyone feels safe, then everyone is relaxed and tension subsides and often the animals will calm down in response to this.

Luckily most of the diagnostic procedures and some in-hospital treatments (surgeries, drip, injections etc.) don’t involve you as an owner to a large degree. However, when your pet goes home on medication and home treatments, it’s all about you. Unfortunately, treatments and medications don’t work if they aren’t given. If the vet prescribes a course of medication, dose as instructed and always finish the course, especially if it is antibiotics. If wounds need to be cleaned, or ear/eye drops applied, they must be done as instructed. Always remember the vet knows better than anyone else how difficult animals patients can be when it comes time for giving medications. A useful tip when dosing medication for dogs: Hide them in something tasty like a Vienna sausage, cheese, peanut butter (check no xylitol in sugar-free alternatives), ham or anything tempting enough for your dog. A good idea is to offer a few pieces of your treat of choice without any medication in, then once your unsuspecting dog is sure there is nothing unsavoury in the treat, sneak the tablet laden one in, with the next clean one following in quick succession, and they often gobble it up without even tasting it. If you have one of those stubborn, clever dogs who delicately eats the treat and leaves the tablet untouched, you will have to learn to dose your pet properly. This involves placing the table in the back of the throat behind the tongue.  Ask the vet for a demonstration.  Cats, on the other hand, are a whole different kettle of fish. Most cats will not willingly eat medication whether or not it’s disguised in something tasty. They will generally require direct oral dosing of medication. The technique for pilling a cat can be demonstrated by the vet, and a few practice rounds in the consulting room is always a good idea. Once you have the knack pilling them comes the trouble of catching them to actually give the medication. After day three they will normally have learnt to avoid you when it comes to tablet time. Something that often works to reduce the negative association of dosing medication is giving them a treat afterwards, something tasty and very tempting.

Monitoring the response to treatment and recovery from treatment is essential for the owner. If your pet is not getting better or not responding as expected, they must be brought back into the vet. Complicated cases may require several diagnostic steps and treatment options to get it right. If the vet has scheduled a follow up to monitor the response to treatment, then your pet should be brought back for their check-ups. This helps the vet keep on top of treatment and progress. Vets, in general, are very busy, they see consultations, monitor and treat in-hospital patients, perform surgeries, research cases and manage practices. Although vets try to stay on top of everything they are human and sometimes things can slip their minds. It is important for you as an owner to take responsibility and contact the vet if you have any concerns, queries, you are looking for updates, or are looking for results for anything if the vet hasn’t come back to you timeously.

Vets rely heavily on you, the owner, for treating their animals successfully. Without the owner’s care, commitment and involvement in the treatment and care of their pets after they have been to the vet, the vet has almost no chance of achieving the successful outcome they desire for your pet’s treatment.

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